Monday, April 1, 2013

Welcome back!  I hope you all enjoyed the Easter Break.  Please write about your break, your holiday, or anything you like.  To begin writing, click "comment" on this post.


  1. I got to rode a 886 International Harvester into town. It was rough because the blacktop wasn't very smooth. I had to hook up monitors in tractors. We put on fertilizers tanks on a tractor. Sunday I went to my grandparents for dinner, then later that night my other grandparents came.

  2. I'm very unique so i'm going to write about just anything. So to start off I just want to say that I love the month April because turkey season starts up, my dads birthday(April 13), my birthday(April 26), my sister I never get to see's birthday( April 19), and my friend's birthday. April is a Great month everybody. y'all might not think so but to me it is. SO DEAL WITH IT!!!!!! :)

  3. I didn't do much this weekend. I mostly just did xbox or whatched tv or read a book. Thursday and Friday I helped my grandpa move into his new apartment. Saturday I sat the punching bag up and was outside. Sunday I went for a walk to our pond and all around my land then walked down to the river and back twice, once was me and my sister half way then my dad walked all the way down to the rive. When we got back I took care of the animals while he cooked the ham and dinner. We ate the xbox again, WALKING DEAD, and then read a book.

  4. On my Easter Break I stayed up late watching movies. I had my brother pick out the movies because I knew that he liked picking out secret movies. On Friday we went to Hastings to get Wreck it Ralph. Dad also got Zero Dark Thirty. On Saturday Dad and Justin went to the Crossing for an Easter Egg Hunt. Grandma and I went to JCPenny's. I got three Easter outfits in shirts and Grandma got a shirt. On Sunday, Justin got an egg carton of chocolate eggs and a box of FunDip. I also got that. We both got the Jurassic Park Trilogy. We started the trilogy as soon as we got it. We finished the first movie then we went to church. When we got back from church, we started watching the other two movies. Afterwards, closer to 5:30, Dad took me to Studio.
