Monday, February 25, 2013

In chapter 8 of Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry,

Papa says to Cassie, “…There are things you can’t back down on.  But it’s up to you to decide what them things are…”
He also says, “You have to demand respect in this world, ain’t nobody just gonna hand it to you.  How you carry yourself, what you stand for—that’s how you gain respect.  But, little one, ain’t nobody’s respect worth more than your own.” 

What does he mean by these two statements?  Is Papa’s advice still valuable today?  How is his advice applicable to your own life?

Write at least ten lines.  


  1. I think that Papa means that you need to stand up for yourself because people aren't just going to respect you. Papa's advice is still valuable today because we are trying to teach people these good morals of life. Like having a package of gum and knowing that there is not enough for everybody so nobody haves some gum, I am not quite sure where I meant for that to go. His advice is applicable to my life because I know that getting respect in the world is hard and you just gotta keep trying... Just keep swimming! Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming!!! :-)

  2. papa means in this world respect is earned not given out like painfullest especially to Cassie a black girl in the 1930's. like you have to some times with a bully like Lian jean force respect as in teaching them a lesson. or by earning it like impressing the person with skills you have or anything else. But he meant fighting for respect because Lian jean being white and Cassie being black its hard for her.
    like i said it was un heard of back in the 30's for a black girl to beat up a white girl touching a hair on Lian Jean was seen as a crime let alone beat the tar out of her. anyways the time thsi was based in as everyboady should get now was a dark time for america with racium and the Great Depression it was a mess. well i got 11 lines yay :3

  3. I think what Papa means is that you dont just get respect you have to earn it. Wether you like reality or not you have to work towards your goals and earn them. How hard you work for something is how much your gonna get in return. And in the 1930's it isnt respectful or right to beat a white girl. Cassie beating Lillian Jean. In this instance there is a white girl and a black girl fighting and being black in the 30's makes it hard to gain respect being a black person. Cassie thinks that it isnt right for Lillian Jean to have the right to do anythink to Cassie she can. It applies to our lives today because just like then respect isnt just handed to you. You have to work for it. And if you dont succeed at first you have to try again and if you dont get what you want you have to keep your head up.

  4. I think papa means when he says you got to demand respect like when lilian Jean pushed her in the street.

  5. I belive that Papa means, respect is earned not given. You have to work to earn things. For example, If I want to get good grades in school I have to work in order to get them, I can't just sit there and BOOM! They are there.
    I think in the other prompt he means that you can't be a chicken about things you can't lie in order to get out something such as trouble.

    1. People always lie to get out of things like if i told my friend that I had to go to my cousins this weekend just to ditch her then that would be really bad. My point is you have to earn respect, like if you respect someone they might respect you back. Then you can't just back out of things because your scared you have to face your fears

  6. I think that papa ment that no matter who pushes you around you need to stand tall and dont let them keep you down. Papa kinda ment that she has to earn her respect from people. Like with Lillian Jean, she had no respect for Cassie. Papa basicly told her that she's going to have to do things to earn respect from her. She cant just grow up thinking that everyone is going to respect her. In the 1930's people didn't respect black people. They were pushed into the dirt and shoved around and given no respect from any white person. When a white person askes a black person to do something they dont accually ask. They tell the black person. That was how it worked. Papa was telling her that she shouldn't assume people are going to respect her.

  7. I think that Papa was trying to demand respect from the white she must earn it. Even if she thinks that the way whites treat her family is wrong she must prove that she earns respect with her acts and personality instead of violence. -MJ

  8. You have to give respect to earn respect. Thats what I think Papa means.

  9. Papa was telling her that she has to make something of herself and choose when to fight and when to not. He is also telling her that she shouldn't do somethin to gain respect that makes her not respect herself.

  10. i think that papa means you have to demand repect because he is trying to get her ready for the real world. especially back then blacks really had to demand respect because they were thought less of than whites. demanding respect is still in value today because you have to chase after what you want it doesn't just come to you. when you gain respect and people are earning respect you have to fight to keep it because it takes a lifetime to gain respect and trust and only one mistake to loose it.

  11. I think what papa meant is you shouldnt disrespect yourself and expect to get respect in return. Disrespecting yourself is no way to live your life. If you dont respect yourself how can you expect people to take you seriously and give the respect you deserve. I think you should stand up for yourself. I think that nobody should have to take everything thrown at them lying down. If you dont feel proud of yourself every once in a while at least then you should know something needs to change.

  12. Papa means you can do what you want but others might not like what you do. You can like it but others won't. We do the same things now a days.

  13. I think that papas words could still be used today. I think that papa wanted to tell Cassie that she didnt have to listen to what others said about her and that she had to respect herself and the choices that she makes later in her life. I think he is saying that you have to work for respect and earn doesnt matter what color you are or what your beliefs are.

  14. I think that this is another way for him to tell Cassie about rasicim also. I think that papas words are still valuable for us to use today. We may not be as different from everybody else as they are but, we still deal with the same stuff. Just in a different way. If we have respect for ourselves then it wont be hard to just ignore the others and walk on.

  15. Ithink cassie took it the wrong way thats why she beat up lilian Jean.

  16. I think he means that things happen and sometimes you cant do anything about it but you can help how it affects you.

  17. he means that what other people think it matters what you think you must respect your self.
