Tuesday, January 22, 2013

On this day in 1984, the Apple Macintosh was introduced.  Since then, computers have evolved and become a crucial part of our lives.  Write about the ways that you use technology and the internet each day.  What do you think the next 10 years will look like?


  1. I use my phone alot.....well not right now because i dont have it since i have a B in math. Anyways i use my ipod for an alarm clock and i listen to music on it. i play games on it. i use my kindle to read on and i also use it to get on facebook and play games. I use my computer to get on facebook and check my grades so i can get my phone back.

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  3. I use my i pod that I just got everyday know... Its like im addicted to it... I get on the computer sometimes, and I use the phone to call my mom or text my friends. I think it will be way worse ten years from now, like everybody will have every type technology.

  4. I usally get on my laptop and my phone, and sometimes play apps on my sister's kindle. I think technology is great. I think in the next 10 years we will have more technology in cars, hospitals, laptops, and phones. Every year they come out with something new, so I guess we are gonna get 10 new things :)

  5. I play Black ops 2 and I get on the Internet and I type on computers and I play video games and I call people on our home phone and on my mom's cellphone I watch Tosh.0.

  6. I use my phone to text people and sometimes call people and to get on the internet i listen to my ipod. and play on my coby kyros to play games on. i get on facebook sometimes.

  7. Some computers have a laser put into them for the keyboard and sensors detect the fingertaps for keyboard typing. I use a computer every day mainly to play games. I am on my phone at least once a day. I take my phone everywhere, mainly in case I get lost or need help, I have people's numbers to call since I won't remember all of them. I also like to have something to fool around with. The next 10 years will probably have more lasers, more chrome, more hands-free stuff, and more techno stuff.

  8. in recent year commuters have went from giant heavy slow commputers to laptopswith so mutch power you cant but on youre lap whatim saying is in about 10 years technolgy well under go alot of changes in the commputer world what we define a computer as may soon be going from a comadore 64 to an ipad mini or even a cell phone. commputers have changed since they where being test ed in the 1940s the first commputer calculated pie in 7 hours a cell phone can do that in a nano secound if thats im provementor even scarrie idk what isnt. i just built a desk topcommputer and im called old fastioned becuase i dont use a laptop back in the 80s there wasno portable computer IBM relesed a lug a ble suitcase commputer that waied 30 pounds that was a laptopfrom the 80s no we have commputers noteven big as my hand what im saying is technolgie is always changing and well ungero changes for the better or the worst.

  9. I use my iPod and my computer to access Facebook and my email. Since i got my iPod i have became a Facebook addict. I love staying in touch with my aunt and cousins that live in Indiana. The way we use computers now will be much more complex by the next 10 years. I also use my phone alot I keep in touch with my friends from far away.

  10. In the next ten years the world will change. Technoligy will become everywhere even more then it is now. ITS EVERYWHERE! ITS EVERYWHERE! But still they will develop more ideas and more high preformance phones and soon we wont even remember long hand love letters or mail boxes. Yeah those squarish metal or plastic boxes on your front yard HELLO its a mail box. You stick paper in it and put the flag up! Paper? Pencils? Pens? Dear my lovely? HELLO! REMEMBER???!!!

  11. I think in ten years technology will be used muck more than now.
    Technology is already popular so its not like their going to stop
    using or improving it. We need technology more than any one knows.
    We have used technology to win wars and other things nobody is just.
    going to ignore technology like its yesterdays old news.
    I know that im not going to forget it but the downside is technology
    is going to get more anoying.
