Tuesday, January 22, 2013

On this day in 1984, the Apple Macintosh was introduced.  Since then, computers have evolved and become a crucial part of our lives.  Write about the ways that you use technology and the internet each day.  What do you think the next 10 years will look like?

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Fair Warning! This blog is long!!!

 Hey ya'll! I'm bored at home and thought that I should write on the blog, mainly to keep my brother from watching Tekkit and other Minecraft videos... Tekkit is a mod pack for Minecraft, which basically means that it has a bunch of different mods in it. A mod is an application for the game. They can range from a tiny, simple mod, to a large, advanced mod. For example, XtraCraft, ThaumCraft, Better Worlds Mod, etc. have a ton of stuff added in them.
 XtraCraft hasn't been updated in a long time, so there are lots of glitches that can crash your Minecraft account.
 ThaumCraft adds the element of magic into your game, which can make the experience much more exciting! The element of evil is added by Taint, and everything else good, is run by Vis. You have to research lots of stuff in order to get to the good stuff. Like the Eldrich stuff, in which you must need the Goggles of Revealing, find a monolith, Vis Crystals (you have to put them in the right order), on the inside of the monolith (you use the crystals to get inside) you will find Eldrich artifacts for you to research to get Void items. The Taint stuff is obtained by a new breed of zombie with a bigger head. They will either drop a brain or a deformed skull. You can get the scary item called the Mask of Fear, and when I say scary, I mean, so scary it literally knocks you off your feet!! When wearing this mask, looking at any mob, a type of animal or beast (they can be hostile or peaceful), you hurt it. Over time, if overusing, you will have symptoms of Nausia and Poison.
 In the Better Worlds Mod, it doesn't actually create different dimensions, which gives this mod a misleading name. But, it does add new weapons, mobs, food, blocks, and biomes. One of the weapons, called a Shiv is shaped as broken glass, which can instantly kill any mob, but can only be used twice, which sucks. This weapon can be made with broken glass. In the normal game, if you break glass, it just disappears. Which is wasteful. A slingshot fires rocks. These rocks can be crafted by the almost useless gravel. Ninja stars have also been added. Which is overkill. Wow, so many new weapons to choose from! *sarcasm*
 Some new food that has been added would be my brother's all time favorite, SMORE'S!!!!! They look just like blocky smore's. Marshamellows have been added just for smore's!! But you don't have to make smore's, you can probably just eat the marshamellows. If you want some smore's you will need wheat, which is always in the game. Grown Home-Fresh! Or at your local village. :-) If you can find one! You will also need an item that you can only grow in the jungle... Cocoa Beans! You might not be able to reach them with such tall trees.
 Now on to the blocks. There is the burnt or charred wood, which you can get from the burnt woods. Dust can be washed away with water to create clay. There is a bouncy block, which my source cannot remember its name at this time, that you can get from a Thumper (mob). Now he remembers! It's called Thumper Wool, such a creative name! This block does not bounce, but you can bounce very high on this block, so high, that you can die from how high you jumped. Barbed wire is also added in this mod, it can deplete 2 hearts of health from any mob or player. Bombs have the same blast radius as TNT, but with a shorter fuse.
 One of the new biomes is the Dank Forest, the trees in this biome are very tall and close together, which makes it hard to navigate, even in creative mode which is the point of this biome. You can get lost and die in there. The plateau biome looks like the mountain biome but it is flatter than a mountain and occurs more frequently. The technicolor dreamland biome can be toggled in and out of minecraft because of how bright it is. There are bright green trees, red trees, and its very eyepopping, compared to the rest of minecraft.
 On to the mobs!! Bats, which have been added into the regular minecraft, can be very annoying due to their high pitched squeaks. In this mod, they are hostile mobs. When in survival mode, they will attack you, taking about 1 1/2 hearts away. They can also swarm you, with most of their annoying family. Mimics look like a cross between a villager and a creeper with a tree or cactus texture. A Thumper looks like a bunny or a kangaroo. When they attack you, they throw you 10 blocks high in the air.
 Just so everyone knows, my brother and I have not played on any of these mods, we (mainly him) have watched Mod Reviews of these mods and plenty other mods. This information was found on Youtube and was filmed by plenty of different players, SkyDoesMinecraft, CavemanFilms, LividCoffee, and other people who film these mods for people to enjoy. This took us 2 days to finish, mainly because I was too lazy to finish it yesterday before watching Lincoln. Most of this was provided by my brother, who watched these mod reviews and wanted me to blog about it. I would like to know how many people actually take the time to read this and what they have to say about this. So post what you have to say about this in the comments!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

national LORD OF THE RINGS year. You have to stay home an dress up like LOTR charicters
and watch LOTR. Who dosent like it will be punished.
Yesterday was National Do Nothing Day. If you could invent your own national holiday, what would it be called?  What would you want people to do to celebrate your special day?

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

What is your greatest treasure?  Explain why it is treasured.

Monday, January 14, 2013

I would wear a light colored hoodie. It would be plane. No designs. Because hoodies go in any weather. And most are weather resistant. Or a black/dark blue A-shirt.
I would wear a red shirt with all the Lord of the Rings charecters and the Hobbit charecters with the name Tonkien on the back. I would wear this because I LOVE the Lord of the Rings and red is my favoret coler and if I had room I would have the cast of the Lord of the Rings signechers on it I would love that shirt.
I would wear a chicago cubs shirt cause I love that baseball team. Royal blue with red writing. and it would have a cub  on it.
If i had to wear one T-shirt for the rest of my life it would have to be the my favorite shirt. The reason
its my favorite is because I got it at a army base with my sister samantha. It was one of my favorite
memories. My T-shirt is res white and gray with a viper in the middle as the design. I do have some
shirts that I think look cooler but I think I would have to pick this one.
If I had to where a shirt for the rest of my life it would be......  A long sleeve shirt that is zebra stripped. I picked this shirt because it would keep me warm and I really like that shirt. My grandpa got me that shirt for a late Christmas present.
I would wear a One Direction T-shirt. It would be red and it would have there up all night cd. It would also have the boys' signatures on the back of it near the middle, and at the bottom it would have lyrics from the song stole my heart by them.  It would also be glow in the dark with Harry's name at the top of the back. I would only wear this shirt because I like One Direction alot and I like the color red with the color of kakis.DON'T JUDGE ME!!!!!!!
i would wear a camo shirt with dodge on it . i would wear this shirt because i like camo and dodge.
Ilike to were my hoodie because it plays music
 and its awesome.
I would wear a One Direction shirt with all the members: Liam, Louis, Niall, Zayn, and Harry. Because they are H-O-T-!-!-!

My Black Shirt

My shirt would be comfortable and black. It wouldn't have any designs or anything on it. It would be a loose fitting t-shirt. Black shirts go with everything except for black jeans. But I could have jeans of any and every color. And neon everything would match and it would be awesome. I wish I had a plain black shirt but I don't. My friend, Nathen, wears black shirts almost everyday. If he isn't wearing black shirts hes wearing an Angry Birds shirt. He is really tall and skinny so when he wears black he looks even taller and skinnier. I love black shirts. Thats what I would wear.
I would wear a blue shirt with Dustin Lynch. I love Dustin Lynch's music and think he is really cute.
My shirt would be short sleeved and camo. It would have a flouresent orange chevy sign on the front and my last name in also flouresent orange on the back. And a black browning buck, or the word "winchester" inside the chevy sign. I chose this shirt instead of another one because I love all of those things.Thats all folks!

My T-shirt

If I had a t-shirt that I always had to wear, it would be camo with a rhinestone outlined chevy sign. On the back it would say LEG in rhinestones. I would do this because I love chevy's and camo. I also love rhinestones. It would be an amazing shirt.
My shirt would be red. It would have Case IH and Dodge truck on it. I would choose it because I like dodge and Case IH. I do like Ford, but I like dodge better.
the shirt i would wear the rest of my life would be blue and have my favorite bands on it. my favorite bands are love and dealth, florida geaorgia line, one direction, and lawson.
my Banman shirt why? becuase its friggin batman! my other shirts i have bad memories with my others uhhhhhhhhhhh i guess imsupposed to talk more sooooooooo idk
I would wear a black shirt with an Under Armour sign on it. I would wear this shirt because I like Under Armour.
I would where the shirt I'm wearing right now because I am too lazy to think about another shirt that I would wear. This shirt is green. It has Silver Foxes on it in silver. This shirt because it is my favorite shirt that I got for Christmas. It could blend into the forest in case if I need to hide in the forest.

Friday, January 11, 2013

 Get a job get a wife and start a family. I want to get a job so I can support my family and get them what they need to survive. My job is going to be a doctor or somebody like that cause I want to make tons of money or I want to be a United States Air Marshall.I want to get a big huge house or a trailor.
I want to go to Hollywood, California to get a degree in computers, editing, and other technical things. I want to be a photographer and edit the pictures so that if I mess up and don't realize it I can fix them. I kind of want to be the best photographer because I don't want to change the pictures I want them to be the original not photo copy any of them. When I get older I'm going to live in Kirksville so I can walk to my job instead of waist gas in a car. I will save up the money money to get a ticket to California and getting a place and getting a job. This is what I want to do when I get older but I have others that I know won't happen so I'm gunna stick with this one. I just seems like a better one and makes more sence than all of the others. I want to meet One Direction. They are basically the only thing I really care about going to California besides my career. Me and Sky are going to to live together because we both want to go to California so it will be easier to live with the both of us paying for expences.
My dream for the futuer is to be a Stunt Double. Stunts seam like a fun thing to do. I plane to go to a Stunt school but I can't remember the name or where it is. Anoth dream is to be a tharopist. I could go to a sycologey school. But I think it would be more fun to be a Stunt Double because I could work with alot of interesting people. I could take lessons on how to do all the stuff and not get hurt. If I go to a good school I could be set on fire and not get hurt. It would be fun to do all the stunts and it's  not a dangerus job it's compleatly safe only if your traind. If not traind I sugjest not doing any stunts.
When I grow up i know were I want to live and what I want to do for a living. I want to live in Nashville Tennessee and be a baker. But i don't know how i am going to do it. To make it come true I will probably have to ask my parents for help. If that doesnt come true then i dont know what i want to be. I will just probably just get a regular job in were ever I live. I just know i want to live in Nashville Tennesse. I want to live some were in the county if there is any country in Nashville there probably is. To make the dream come true I will probably have to rent something. I just want to live in Nashville Tennessee. If i dont live there I dont know were I want to live their is my dream .If I be a bake I want to have it in the city.
      I want to go to college. I want to go to Mizzou for college. I want to play basket at Mizzou.  I am going to get an Ag degree. I want to start my own farming business. I already have a little one going. I am going to buy two trucks after college. I hope to be married. I want to own 100 head of cows. I want two Case IH tractors. I also want one of the tractors to have a loader on it. I will own a Case IH skidloader. The tractor with the loader will be a Case IH Puma. I have a mixer wagon to mix all my feed during the winter. I will make my own corrals. I will want to make 300 bales of hay a year. I will sell some of the hay to make some extra money through the winter. I will plant corn for silage. I might get my own silage cutter. I hope to have three kids. I want at least one boy. I will own two dodge trucks and two stock trialers. I will own one semitruck and a potbelly. I will have at least one flatbead trailer and a semi flatbead trailer too. 
I would like to be a NAVY SEAL. I want to go to naval acadamy. I would be a MARINE
if I couldent be a SEAL. My big cousin Davidis going to be a MARINE. I will go to the
acadamy and it will pay for my collage and I will train there. If I can't make it I would be
a MARINE. I would like to have a famly MY jobwould support them.
I want to be a soldier, bartender, or a chef. I can become a soldier by finishing high school and getting my diploma and signing up. I can be a chef by going to "Culinary Arts" school. And I could also watch people cook and practice. I could also be a bartender but would have to be over 21, go to a school for it and watch people making drinks. Or a detective or cop or work for the CIA. I would have to go to a special college to train to be a detective and to be a cop I would just need to sign up and complete to classes and the hours. I kinda want to be a lawyer to. I would have to go through law school for about 8 or so years, plus I would have to attend cases for some of the classes. I don't want to be a Doctor because I couldn't hold some one's life in my hands. And lawyers have a good paycheck too.


I have big plans for the future. I cant wait to graduate highschool. Then, I hope to go to college become a cyropractor and help people fix their backs. Either that or I would like to be a person who rubs backs. (I know what thats called I just cant spell it.) Maybe I will find an amazing guy and fall in love and get married. I've always wanted to have two kids. A boy first then two years later a girl. My biggest dream is too grow up and have a nice family and a good paying job. I know that I will have to go to college to ever get a good job. If i get my Dr.s degree then I will be the first Dr. Kincaid.
    My family has alway had big dreams for me. I can't wait to make my family proud of me.  My dad has wanted me to become a cyropractor because I have always been really good at making his back feel better when I rub on it. I think if I really did go to college and became a cyropractor then my family would be very proud of me. My sister thought she wanted to be a sergion but ended up going to art school. She is not a doctor so I would still be the first. I can't wait to fulfill my dreams.
             MY DREAMS
                 by skylar haskell

my dream is to grow uo and be a party planner or a photographer. how i can acomplish this is by

 working hard at school and get good grades. graduate and go to a collage that teaches them. move to

 a big city cause that is where i can find a job for those to. go for an interview. hopefully i will get a

 job for one of them. work hard at my job if i get it.maybe i will be so good at what i do that people

 will want me to take there pictures or plan a party for them. when i have a kid if i do i would hope

 that they might want to follow my foot steps.another one of my dreams is to meet a famous person.

how i can accomplish that is take a trip to hollywood or LA. i could go to parties or get a job that

makes you work with famous people. but for that my dream is to meet one direction so i would hope

 that i can get a job to work with them if so i would be in heaven.......but my biggest dream is the first

 one! :-)
My dreams for the future are to hopefully travel around the world. I would get a good job and save up for the trip. I would save close to a million dollars or ten thousand dollars so  I can get a good flight, a good hotel, good food, and get to go shopping for some souveniers. I would like to visit the rainforest, get to see all of the wildlife and take pictures so I can draw them, or just draw them without the picture. I would also like to visit India, see some ruins, draw the ruins, see the wildlife, draw the wildlife, and try new food. Maybe go to Ireland, see the landscape and see the Kissing Stone, where you kiss the stone for good luck, or is it in Scotland?? I can't remember. Well, I would like to go to Scotland and visit Loch Ness, maybe get to see Nessie! :-) Maybe I will visit Russia, or China, maybe go to Japan for a while. Maybe I will go to Italy or Rome. I would like to go to Romania, possibly see some vampires!  But to do all of this, I would need to learn their langurages, so I can speak with the natives, or just be one of those people with the language book and end up saying the words wrong. I would also need a passport.

Shalia's Reach Your Dreams

Some of my dreams are playing basketball, being in cheerleading or being a gymnast. How I would make these dreams come true is practice them every day. My dad said that he could help me with basketball during the summer. I would have to find a way to practice gymnastics and cheerleading though. Cheerleading and Gymnastics kind of run togather and are blended so if you do cheerleading and gymnastics they both could help out in either sport. I think i would have to practice all of these during the summer because, if i try practicing these in the winter i could get hurt unless i was like in a gym or a gymnastics gym.  I have wanted to do gymnastics ever sence i was 3 years old. They way they flip and do all those dangerous tricks I think are amazing. Cheerleading I think blends in with gymnastics by the flips because you can do all those flips in a floor routine. Basketball has nothing to do with gymnastics or cheerleading and thats perfectly fine. My dad wants me to do Basketball because thats what he did in high school and he did baseball during the summer. So it's a really hard desicion for me because I could either do basketball or cheerleading during the school year. So either way i can do gymnastics during the summer all i have to do is PRACTICE!!!
My dreams are to go to the military and kill some Taliban members. I want to be a Marine sniper. I am going to accomplish this by going to the training and hopefully pass. My other dream is to become a welder and make good money. I hope to have a nice house and a nice truck. I am going to accomplish this by getting a good job. I would like to mave to somewhere where there is acual timber and not a bunch of stink n fields full of nothing but crops. I want to buy a Colt M1911 45 pistol. I am going to do this by getting enought money to buy one. If I don't become a Marine or a welder I want to be a survivalist because I get to be in the wilderness all the time and I get to travel around the world and see things I wouldn't get to see.

              I want to go to the National Guard. To make that come true I will have to work my hardest  at everything. I will have to go easy on things though because of my ankle and back problems. I'm afraid that my ankle and back problems will slow me down in the National Guard more than I will ever know. Before I go into the National Guard, I might have to finish years of therepy before I will ever be able to go in. After I finish the National Guard, I want to use the scholorship to go to photography school. I love taking pictures so I figured since I found something that I love to do, I might as well do something with the things I love to do, instead of just sitting around dreaming about it why not make that dream come true. I want to buy a camera to take pictures of everything. I have a phone that I take pictures of everything with, but I want to have something more improtant than just a crappy old phone... I want a camera so I can zoom in and take videos as good as a proffesional photoghrapher. I want to be a Photographer!

My Future Plans

              I want to graduate from Adair Co. R-2 High School and then go to college. I want to get a degree in teaching or nursing. I plan to attend either Northwest or Mizzou. After I graduate from college I want to find a job as a nurse or teacher. After earning the degrees that I want I plan to then going back to college online to get my Master's degree. I want to get a job near my college while I attend college. I want to live some where beautiful but not too far away from my home town. My dreams are dreams I have always wanted to acheive and if I acheive all of these I will feel really good and it proves that you can never give up on your accomplishments. To get my degrees I have to work really hard. To get a job where I want I must also work hard. If I work hard then only the best could come out of it. After completely finishing my degrees I want to take a vacation to the Bahamas. I have always wanted to see the beautiful sights there. And that is what I plan to do with my future.
My dream for the future would probably be able to get an Art Scholarship for an Art school.
  I would maybe like to get a teaching degree for teaching art at a school or maybe getting a license to work for companies. For an example, if a new company or business was coming out and they didn't have a logo yet, they could hire me to do some art work and make their logo either by hand or digital art. Then I would be able to get money. I would also be able to work for fashion designers who need the outfit drawn out, of course I would't be able to sew but like I said I would sketch the design and show them what it would look like. I could also be a street artist or a professinal painter for a home. I could do digital art for a computer company or a electronic company. There are many things I could do with an art degree in the world. With each different it makes it more fun.
I guess when i get older i want to fill my house with vintage and new things. i guess to acomblish this i chould get a job for tecksupport and or commputer repair or somethin to earn money to live. I think ill live on microwave burritos and throwback pepsior coke and morestuff thatll kill me. maybe if it goes right ill plug my frankin stein commputer to a tv and hook up a vhs and xbox or game cube to it then again i got no x box but will this the future and i guess they got old any way ill have a dvd and maybe later a blu ray player in my commputerso i dont haveto worry about it. Hmmmmmm well im good with photogerphie maybe i can take pictures of nature too like that giant owl at my ants place. Any way i wont have a house becuase ill just need an aparntmaent. I hope that i can help my mom becuase shell be at leastin her 60's or 70's so hmmmmm maybe i can build a commputer or somethin well i just hope i help her more than my brother hes to 'busy' to help us i guess even thow i threw away my summer too help himto underpay me anyway. Well as you can tell my dream is to grow up as that fat dude frim south park on his commputer who's seen everything on youtube and facebook :/
       When I grow up I want to travel the world. I want to go overseas. Then I want to either be a dance teacher or something else unique. Right now I do not really know what I would like to do when I grow up. Maybe I will be a DJ or something to do with music. Maybe I could work at the Apple Comapany. Maybe I will just stay home. Maybe I could be a fashion designer. Or maybe I will be an author. I might just be an accountant or something. I could be a banker, web designer, or maybe I will just work somewhere weird like Walmart. All I really know is that I want to go to college but I do not know what for yet.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Ellis Island

I need to be cautious I dont know anything about this place. We need to find food and water before
nightfall as well as make a fire. Tomorow will start checking people for diseases that we might
have been exposed to. I need to help set up camp while were waiting for the gatherers to get back
so we can have shelter and a fire to eat and sleep around. we have the medical tent and everything
setup but its starting be dusk. We have eaten so now its time to go to sleep because we have a big
day ahead. We will have to find a permanent source of food and water along with checking for
diseases the end.
I imagin my self around alot of people i don't know. But i know some people, friend i made on the trip. It kinda smells. I don't know how we made it because there were so many things. I can't imagin me here in a million years. But i made it. I came because i needed to get away from my family. So i can get a job so i can get money to send them down here.

We stepped off the ship onto a whole new world. My older brother reached down and grabbed for my hand. He smiled and pulled me close to him. Our dad had sent us on the boat to come to this new world. I had been in the other room but I had still heard what my mother had told my brother, Jarred. She said "my good son please take care of your little sister. Stay together and if you get separted promise you will find her again once you are through." He had agreed.
   Our parents took us to the boat. As we boarded we waved and tears were shed. I hugged my brother the whole way there. The ship ride was long and horrible. When we got there they separated us and checked me for everything. They said things I could not understand. They asked for my name. I knew that I told them and they spelled it wrong. I they gave me some packet and told me to go to a place. I found my way out and went to a fountain. I waited for my brother. He didn't come.
There were wiered people on the ship. Different people, people I don't know. They had different color skin and didn't have the same facial structure. My brother and I were there by our selves with other people from were we came from. We were scared but happy that we didn't have to stay with the bad people any more. They did very mean they beat us. We lost our mother at the port she had the measles and so she had to stay and get better but Catherine our sister died on the ship over. I don't think that Adam will ever be the same now that he has lost his sister and mother. We are awaiting a new home but are sad to lose our family back in Ireland.
I would worry aout if I would make it. but I would be happy to be there.
I think some of the problems were disease, food shortage, and lice. If I were an immigrant I would go to Ellis island.
I there are many other people here Im scard and don't know were to go. We all had to go throu a helth inspechen checking for illneses and lice. I am seperated from my parents. I don't know any of theas people. I don't really know what to think because Im alone and scard.
We Russians have beards so I'm afraid that head lice would be easily contagious with us. I am also afraid for my children Gueseppe and Hanna. My friend Micheal's children was found with a disease called "Measles" and then boarded them back on ship to be sent back away from him and his wife. My hope is to find money and a good job with a warm home. I wish for my children to have education and wisdom for this country. I am scared, nervous, hopful, scared of but also in love with this country they call "America" the land they call "Freedom". I wish myself the best for this journey.
i would be a french immagrant. what what my feelings would be tearified that people would say

mean thing to me. i would hope that i could find a good place to live that could fit all my family in

it, and that i could find a good job that would pay enough to get atlease feed my family 2 meals a day.

what i would fear is people judging me because where im from not who i am. i would also fear

walking down a road and people saying mean things to me and throw things at me. i would have

to say that i am sorry for all those immagrant that went through all that. just because they were

from a different country doesn't mean that they were'nt humans. that doesnt mean that they

dont have to eat, sleep, drink, and where clothes like the rest of us . they deserve alittle respect

                    by skylar haskell
I think that they were scared but excited for the new opportunity. They were standing into a whole new world to them. Some of their hopes were probably getting a second chance, a better life, and a better home. Maybe better farmland, better food, better laws, and better people.Some of their fears were probably that they wouldn't get to stay, that they would have to go back. Some were probably afraid that they would not make it on the trip to Ellis Island. Maybe that they wouldn't get through the security and the doctors. But mainly, I think that the immigrants hoped for their families.
Our feelings were mostly fear until we got there then we thought of all the new things we can do, and hope for. Going through the medical scans was be the hardest because we had to be healthy to pass and go to the Americas. After the scanning was the happiest part of our journey. We stepped onto the new world of freedom and hopes. One of our dreams was to be a family and have a better life. All we came to the Americas with was a bag of clothes for all of us and a bag of special things from older family members. We were lucky enough to be able to send all of us over.
They would be excited to move on from there on life. They would be happy to start a new one and forget all the bad stuff that happened to them back in their home country. They would be really scared that they wouldnt pass the medical exam and would have to go home and relive their old lives. They were probably happy that they could be in America. They could also be scared that they might get separated from their families. They probably hoped that America was alot better than their old homes and towns. They hoped that America would improve their living styles. They had lots of different feelings, hopes, and fears.
They were happy that they are not in their country anymore and are free. They wanted to get jobs to pay for the rest of their family to come to America. They wanted to be free and have friends and family there with them. They were scared they would get dieses and lice and other sicknesses and would be seperated or killed or something else bad happen to them like being sent back to their home country.
I think some of them were scared. If they had diseases and they might get sent back to their country, they wouldn't get to figure out what the United States was about. I think they might have been happy that they arrived at the destination they were trying to reach. They would have had high hopes for themselves, and maybe each other.


I am  Chinese, my hopes are that I will have a job and I will be treated fair. I  am a little scared that I won't get in and I feel happy cause if I get excepted I will have a better life. I am afraid I won't get excepted and I might get beat up cause I have different colored skin.
i think they where scared for they left there country and now is in a country made of differnt national origins i think they where sad that there dead family members cants see it or scared becuase they cant speak english or there mad that there friends and job are in lets say japan  and now therein america. or they have a diseses or there dieing also they maybe excited like if you wherefrom cubia that youre now free from castro and you have youre indepentins and freedom
I think they would be nervous because they didn't know what the United States would be like. Their hopes were to start a new life. They would  be scared about not being able to get into the United States.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

The day we were suppose to go back to school for 2nd semester, I had the flu. So i spent two days out of school to recover. The day we were suppose to go back to school was a Thursday, so i didn't get to go back to school until that next Monday. so i got an extra Christmas break... although i didn't enjoy it.
Finailly on here. Took long enough.
I'm finally on the blog. I like the wheather. I had a fun weekend. I almost got to run the skidloader, but the ground was froozen.

Monday, January 7, 2013

My weekend was okay. I watched The Walking Dead until midnight, Friday. I was able to watch the first two episodes of the first season. On Saturday, I finished the first season. After that dad wanted to watch the last few episodes, so I let him. I decided to get on Facebook and played some games. When dad finished the last episode, he went to Walmart. Dad asked me if I wanted to go, I said no. When dad left, I got on the Xbox. At first I played some Lego Star Wars, then I played on Plants vs. Zombies. When I got bored of that, I played on Peggle. Peggle is a game where you have little orange pegs that you have and you need to get rid of. To get all of the orange pegs, you need to hit them. And when I got bored of Peggle, I got on Zuma. Zuma is a game where you have a little frog that shoots colored balls and you can't let the balls get into the golden mouth.
you can make fire,andclubs
Uses for rocks: Stoning, breaking, weapons, throwing, lifting, smoothing for knives, and craking shells. Homer Simpson ---> ~(8(|)
I did alot of things this weekend. I went to Lauren's house on friday with Skylar. We watched a whole bunch of One Direction stuff. While we were watching the video diaries it was like week 5 or 6 Louie ended up with salt in his hair.  The next day when I woke up I had to go to a family thing. I didn't want to go at all but I had to go. When I got there I met some of my cousins that I had no clue even existed. The was Kolbi, and he was kinda like me he didn't want to be there. I also got to meet Becka, she was super shy. When I got home the only thing I did was watch Adventure Time. On Sunday I got to see my older sister Katie(she is my favorite sister) and I got to meet her friend Summer Sky. I've typed 11 sentences and now I'm done.
Rocks can be used for making fire or for arrow heads and sand  also gravel

 this weekend i stay the night with morgan and lauren, we had a blast. the whole time is was there

we had alot of laughs mainly because we watched 1d videos. then we started texting a friend

and played truth or dare.
      You can decorate them and paint them and then you can have a rock family. You can aslo put rock or gravel on roads. You can also use them to fill holes in your drive way. When you are gardening, you can put rocks in your flower bed for decoration. Your dogs can digest the rocks and they go through the dogs body and come out the other end. Then you have to pick rocks up out of your yard. You can also collect them and start your own rock collection. Then you can get rich and show them at a rock museum. You can also throw them at people when they are bullying you and trying to attack you or something.
I could find alot of uses for an old rock like you could use it for self defence, hunting, or use it to make a fire.
My weekend was really, quite boring. I basically watched tv and sat on the couch all weekend.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

My Christmas Vacation :-)

         My christmas vacation was amazing! Although not at first, on December 20, 2012, my dad, grandma, brother, and I went down to Kansas City. Justin and I were supposed to fly on a Delta plane, but when we got to the airport it was white out conditions and our flight was delayed. Our flight kept getting delayed, and Justin and I were getting impatient. Eventually our flight was canceled and the next flight was scheduled for Saturday.
I think that people should read the book first because the book is usually better. The movie doesnt include all of the things in the book. You can judge the movie by the book when uve read the book  then have seen the movie it just works better than that.

 I had a wonderfull christmas because i got everything i wanted for christas and got to see my aunt alot more than when im at school. I got lime green suspenders. Me and eliza have a fone that we got for christmas and she takes it over and i dont like it evn though i have no one to talk to. I got that really sucky chocolate for christmas and i only ate one of the 8. I  also got alot of other things. the best present i got was from me mum and it was a ONE DIRECTION CD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My Christmas break

My christmas break was actually quite fun I went snowboarding with my cousin and got to
see him bust his rear end in the snow.I got to do the tradition that we do each christmas were
we connect the sled to the four weeler  as it pulls me and my sisters on the sled on the icy streets.
My family had a awesome christmas break I just laid back and relaxed.My sister samantha was
there along with my pain in the but of a sister katie. I think we had a very nice christmas and I
was very happy to see every one.

 My 2 grandma's were there my grandpa was there my cousins
were there and much more of my family. For christmas my aunt jo even brought out the ping pong
table that she had for many years now its so fun. You can even flip oneside up so when no ones
around you can play ping pong by yourself. I really had fun hitting my sister katie in the face with
a snowball. My sister katie didnt want to wake up on christmas morning so my dad took some cold
ice water and poored it on her and said merry christmas.

Shalia's Christmas Break

We got out of school on December 19, 2012 for Christmas Vacation. I went to my Grandma and Grandpa's house on christmas eve. My cousin Garrett came up to my grandma's and we ordered pizza. After we ate we visited for a little while and then we opened presents. My Grandpa passed out all the presents and then every body opened them. WRAPPING PAPER FLEW EVERYWEAR! Then my Aunt Jennifer gave me my present from them. She got my 3 bottles of purfume, my Uncle Chad got me a pink, gray, and white sweater, and my cousin Garrett got my sparklie nait polish.
          The next morning my Mom ( Casey) got me and Christopher up at 7. She made us Christmas breakfeast then we tried to get my dad up. Finally, he got up and watched us open presents then we hung out at the house for a little bit. We went up to my Grandma Karen's for christmas. My Aunt Tracie came up to my grandma's house and my annoying cousin Sarah and her son Wyatt came up. We had a Christmas lunch and then we visited for a while, then opend presents from my aunt. From my Aunt Tracie got me 3 bottles of purfume, 2 candels, and a jewlry box with a couple neclaces and a braclet.
for christmas I got a belt some cowboy boots a shirt some candy and I got  and under aurmor camo realtree HP HD sweatshirt. Also I got some scent lock  gloves I had an awsome Christmas . 
My Christmas brake was pretty good I went to my grandmas house and opend presents. Then a few days later  I went back to open more presents. Then my sister came over to my house and she brout my neace and nefuses and they opend there presents from us and it was so much fun. What was really fun was putting together my new legos.
I believe you should read the book because if you just watch the movie than you never know what is true and what some stupid director just decided to stick in there to make it more interesting to viewers. I believe you should read the book then if you feel the movie could possibly give you more incite on what your reading then go ahead and watch it. Sometimes the movie is just plain wrong. it might be interesting but its just plain wrong. The thing I find most anyoning is that the characters usually don't look right. If some one is supposed to be blond and they aren't!

   My Christmas started out pretty bad. It honestly sucked. I didn't go to bed at a good time so I didn't wake up and then after I woke up my parents wouldn't go into the living room so we could open presents. Well after I finally got them to the living room they wouldn't let me open one present. I was alittle confused but I went along with it. We did our normal tradition. Most familys just have the youngest kids open the presents then mom and dad but thats not the case with my family. I'm the only kid so it would be kinda boring to just watch mom and dad open stuff. Our tradition is that after we pass everything out one of us opens something then somebody else. We never have any real order. I got to the last box and started to open it. It was just box after box after box after box!! but when I got to the last box I shook it and relised it was something jingly well I tore open the box and I saw keys. I was kinda confused but then I got it. Daddy had gotten my car! He and I and hopefully my boyfriend, Riley Sager, are going to work on it over the summer. I can't wait to work on it and turn 16! 
I think they should see the movie first. I think they should see the movie first cause if you are trying to watch the movie with some one who read the book first they are always saying they forgot a part or that isn't in the book and it gets very irritating.
       I think people should read the book first because it will have more detail. You can also get a mental picture of the characters and the settings. Then you can make a "movie" of your own in your head. The movies also dont include some scenes or the characters look different then described in the book.
    My christmas break was good. I got a kindle for christmas. I also got new shoes and clothes. We went to my grandmas and had fun playing in the snow. I listened to music alot. I was really lazy and layed around all day. It was fun. I also had a party for new years.....Bailey, Kylie, Shane, and my friend Abbey all I had a good time hanging out and having fun.........I love my friends.........even my friends that werent there.....................Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! I hope everybody else  had a very good christmas too!
i spent my christmas break watch ing youtube or trolling on facebook and staying up to 3:00 am. The only thing i did over christmas break is try to build a commputer
This awkward Christmas was maybe the best Christmas I've had in a long time, I got to see family near and far. I got to my Brother and his wife, and went swimming while staying at a hotel, I went to a party with my youth group which was really fun. I didn't play in the snow though. I had a really great time, and I hope I get to do it next year the same.
Over Christmas break I had three Christmas's. One as a family, just the four of us. Then that night we had people over to eat pork loin and party potatoes. I got a 5th generation iPod. It is blue. That Friday I went to my dads moms house for their Christmas. I got to see my aunt and cousins that live in Indiana. It is always a lot of fun with them there. My other cousin wasn't there because he was at a college scouting. That Saturday we went to my moms mom for their Christmas. I have three baby cousins that always want me to take pictures of them. They are a hand ful but they always make me laugh. On the 23rd I broke up with my boyfriend and started making friends with other boys from other schools.
People should always read the book first. Sometimes the film makers take the best part of the book and not put it in the movie. Sometimes you can't even stay awake through the movie. I do not like the movie Lord of the Rings. I have never read the book and probably never will. The books will always be better than the movie no matter what.
I wached the movie first then read the books but I sugjest that people read the book first. The director did a good job at making the movie as close to the book asposible.