Friday, January 11, 2013

I want to go to Hollywood, California to get a degree in computers, editing, and other technical things. I want to be a photographer and edit the pictures so that if I mess up and don't realize it I can fix them. I kind of want to be the best photographer because I don't want to change the pictures I want them to be the original not photo copy any of them. When I get older I'm going to live in Kirksville so I can walk to my job instead of waist gas in a car. I will save up the money money to get a ticket to California and getting a place and getting a job. This is what I want to do when I get older but I have others that I know won't happen so I'm gunna stick with this one. I just seems like a better one and makes more sence than all of the others. I want to meet One Direction. They are basically the only thing I really care about going to California besides my career. Me and Sky are going to to live together because we both want to go to California so it will be easier to live with the both of us paying for expences.

1 comment:

  1. Since you like photography and editing, let me encourage you to be on the yearbook staff in a few years!
