Monday, January 7, 2013

I did alot of things this weekend. I went to Lauren's house on friday with Skylar. We watched a whole bunch of One Direction stuff. While we were watching the video diaries it was like week 5 or 6 Louie ended up with salt in his hair.  The next day when I woke up I had to go to a family thing. I didn't want to go at all but I had to go. When I got there I met some of my cousins that I had no clue even existed. The was Kolbi, and he was kinda like me he didn't want to be there. I also got to meet Becka, she was super shy. When I got home the only thing I did was watch Adventure Time. On Sunday I got to see my older sister Katie(she is my favorite sister) and I got to meet her friend Summer Sky. I've typed 11 sentences and now I'm done.

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