Friday, January 11, 2013

My dream for the futuer is to be a Stunt Double. Stunts seam like a fun thing to do. I plane to go to a Stunt school but I can't remember the name or where it is. Anoth dream is to be a tharopist. I could go to a sycologey school. But I think it would be more fun to be a Stunt Double because I could work with alot of interesting people. I could take lessons on how to do all the stuff and not get hurt. If I go to a good school I could be set on fire and not get hurt. It would be fun to do all the stunts and it's  not a dangerus job it's compleatly safe only if your traind. If not traind I sugjest not doing any stunts.

1 comment:

  1. Where would you train for stunts? I used to know some people who have a horse act for rodeos (the trick riding,jumping over flames and all that)and they have done stunts for a few movies and TV shows.
