Thursday, January 17, 2013

Yesterday was National Do Nothing Day. If you could invent your own national holiday, what would it be called?  What would you want people to do to celebrate your special day?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. My national holiday would be National Pick on Your Siblings Day. People would be wanted to annoy their brother or sister. Tickling, stealing some of their stuff, chasing, and anything else you can think of.

  3. It will be national case ih day they would all wear case ih colors with the syboml on it.

  4. If I had a noational day that i could pick that people HAD to follow.... It would be Natoinal Camo Day!!!! All camo everything your wearing has to be camoflauge.

  5. If I could make a national holiday, it would be national no school day. It would be celebrated on May 4 and you would celebrate it by not going to school.

  6. My National holiday would be National gift day. Everyone would have to give me a gift every week. It would be on every Monday.

  7. My national holiday will be national zane day thats were everybody has to do my chores and I don't have to go to school and everybody has to serve me. I get to play xbox360 all day.

  8. If I had to have my own National holiday it would be called Gymnast Day. People or gymnast could be out of school all day and the gymnast could all meet at a specific location and have all the gymnast fun they could possiably have.

  9. I would make Lord of the Rings month and people will dress like a hobbit, an elf, a dworf, or a wizerd then everyone would eat lambas bread and other middle earth food it will be in November.

  10. My day would be National Blonde Day. People would celebrate it by being nice to blondes and not making stupid blonde jokes about them. They would also take away the Gieco comercial that says "so easy a blonde could do it". Stuff like that is mean............GO BLONDES!!!!!!!!

    1. never mind about the gieco comercial.......travis lied to me

    2. What do you mean by that Shalia? And I can't believe you actually posted that Leah.

  11. If I could invent a holiday it would be national wear black day. On this day you would wear the most back possable. (this is not a rasist day!!) This day would be celebrated on January 9th.

  12. ok my orginal suckedd so i delted it i have no idea what holiday this would be becuase mine are corney and stupid so my holiday is hide in youre house on the day before youll by food and crap and itll be on November 23

  13. My national holiday would have to be national
    kids day.On the day of april 17 kids and teens are in command and the adults have to follow are
    commands no matter what! That also means we can do what ever we want we could even declare war
    on australia if we wanted to.

  14. My holiday would be national movie day. This would be cacelebrate on January 12. On this day you dont have to go to school and you get to watch movies (Any movie you want and you can watch for free)and eat anything you want.

  15. National automatic gun day. They would honor it by shooting automatic guns.

  16. I would make January 30th National Crazy Day. And you have to go crazy over one certain person for a whole and can't stop till you fall asleep. That would be the koolio.

  17. National One Direction day. it will be celebrated June 14th. All the fans of One Direction will listen and dance to their music and have lots of fun at parties and with friends!

  18. Class, you have some funny National Holidays in mind. It's funny that the days you invented seem to fit your personalities and hobbies.
