Friday, January 11, 2013

             MY DREAMS
                 by skylar haskell

my dream is to grow uo and be a party planner or a photographer. how i can acomplish this is by

 working hard at school and get good grades. graduate and go to a collage that teaches them. move to

 a big city cause that is where i can find a job for those to. go for an interview. hopefully i will get a

 job for one of them. work hard at my job if i get it.maybe i will be so good at what i do that people

 will want me to take there pictures or plan a party for them. when i have a kid if i do i would hope

 that they might want to follow my foot steps.another one of my dreams is to meet a famous person.

how i can accomplish that is take a trip to hollywood or LA. i could go to parties or get a job that

makes you work with famous people. but for that my dream is to meet one direction so i would hope

 that i can get a job to work with them if so i would be in heaven.......but my biggest dream is the first

 one! :-)

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