Sunday, January 20, 2013

Fair Warning! This blog is long!!!

 Hey ya'll! I'm bored at home and thought that I should write on the blog, mainly to keep my brother from watching Tekkit and other Minecraft videos... Tekkit is a mod pack for Minecraft, which basically means that it has a bunch of different mods in it. A mod is an application for the game. They can range from a tiny, simple mod, to a large, advanced mod. For example, XtraCraft, ThaumCraft, Better Worlds Mod, etc. have a ton of stuff added in them.
 XtraCraft hasn't been updated in a long time, so there are lots of glitches that can crash your Minecraft account.
 ThaumCraft adds the element of magic into your game, which can make the experience much more exciting! The element of evil is added by Taint, and everything else good, is run by Vis. You have to research lots of stuff in order to get to the good stuff. Like the Eldrich stuff, in which you must need the Goggles of Revealing, find a monolith, Vis Crystals (you have to put them in the right order), on the inside of the monolith (you use the crystals to get inside) you will find Eldrich artifacts for you to research to get Void items. The Taint stuff is obtained by a new breed of zombie with a bigger head. They will either drop a brain or a deformed skull. You can get the scary item called the Mask of Fear, and when I say scary, I mean, so scary it literally knocks you off your feet!! When wearing this mask, looking at any mob, a type of animal or beast (they can be hostile or peaceful), you hurt it. Over time, if overusing, you will have symptoms of Nausia and Poison.
 In the Better Worlds Mod, it doesn't actually create different dimensions, which gives this mod a misleading name. But, it does add new weapons, mobs, food, blocks, and biomes. One of the weapons, called a Shiv is shaped as broken glass, which can instantly kill any mob, but can only be used twice, which sucks. This weapon can be made with broken glass. In the normal game, if you break glass, it just disappears. Which is wasteful. A slingshot fires rocks. These rocks can be crafted by the almost useless gravel. Ninja stars have also been added. Which is overkill. Wow, so many new weapons to choose from! *sarcasm*
 Some new food that has been added would be my brother's all time favorite, SMORE'S!!!!! They look just like blocky smore's. Marshamellows have been added just for smore's!! But you don't have to make smore's, you can probably just eat the marshamellows. If you want some smore's you will need wheat, which is always in the game. Grown Home-Fresh! Or at your local village. :-) If you can find one! You will also need an item that you can only grow in the jungle... Cocoa Beans! You might not be able to reach them with such tall trees.
 Now on to the blocks. There is the burnt or charred wood, which you can get from the burnt woods. Dust can be washed away with water to create clay. There is a bouncy block, which my source cannot remember its name at this time, that you can get from a Thumper (mob). Now he remembers! It's called Thumper Wool, such a creative name! This block does not bounce, but you can bounce very high on this block, so high, that you can die from how high you jumped. Barbed wire is also added in this mod, it can deplete 2 hearts of health from any mob or player. Bombs have the same blast radius as TNT, but with a shorter fuse.
 One of the new biomes is the Dank Forest, the trees in this biome are very tall and close together, which makes it hard to navigate, even in creative mode which is the point of this biome. You can get lost and die in there. The plateau biome looks like the mountain biome but it is flatter than a mountain and occurs more frequently. The technicolor dreamland biome can be toggled in and out of minecraft because of how bright it is. There are bright green trees, red trees, and its very eyepopping, compared to the rest of minecraft.
 On to the mobs!! Bats, which have been added into the regular minecraft, can be very annoying due to their high pitched squeaks. In this mod, they are hostile mobs. When in survival mode, they will attack you, taking about 1 1/2 hearts away. They can also swarm you, with most of their annoying family. Mimics look like a cross between a villager and a creeper with a tree or cactus texture. A Thumper looks like a bunny or a kangaroo. When they attack you, they throw you 10 blocks high in the air.
 Just so everyone knows, my brother and I have not played on any of these mods, we (mainly him) have watched Mod Reviews of these mods and plenty other mods. This information was found on Youtube and was filmed by plenty of different players, SkyDoesMinecraft, CavemanFilms, LividCoffee, and other people who film these mods for people to enjoy. This took us 2 days to finish, mainly because I was too lazy to finish it yesterday before watching Lincoln. Most of this was provided by my brother, who watched these mod reviews and wanted me to blog about it. I would like to know how many people actually take the time to read this and what they have to say about this. So post what you have to say about this in the comments!

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