Friday, January 11, 2013

Shalia's Reach Your Dreams

Some of my dreams are playing basketball, being in cheerleading or being a gymnast. How I would make these dreams come true is practice them every day. My dad said that he could help me with basketball during the summer. I would have to find a way to practice gymnastics and cheerleading though. Cheerleading and Gymnastics kind of run togather and are blended so if you do cheerleading and gymnastics they both could help out in either sport. I think i would have to practice all of these during the summer because, if i try practicing these in the winter i could get hurt unless i was like in a gym or a gymnastics gym.  I have wanted to do gymnastics ever sence i was 3 years old. They way they flip and do all those dangerous tricks I think are amazing. Cheerleading I think blends in with gymnastics by the flips because you can do all those flips in a floor routine. Basketball has nothing to do with gymnastics or cheerleading and thats perfectly fine. My dad wants me to do Basketball because thats what he did in high school and he did baseball during the summer. So it's a really hard desicion for me because I could either do basketball or cheerleading during the school year. So either way i can do gymnastics during the summer all i have to do is PRACTICE!!!

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