Thursday, January 3, 2013

I believe you should read the book because if you just watch the movie than you never know what is true and what some stupid director just decided to stick in there to make it more interesting to viewers. I believe you should read the book then if you feel the movie could possibly give you more incite on what your reading then go ahead and watch it. Sometimes the movie is just plain wrong. it might be interesting but its just plain wrong. The thing I find most anyoning is that the characters usually don't look right. If some one is supposed to be blond and they aren't!

   My Christmas started out pretty bad. It honestly sucked. I didn't go to bed at a good time so I didn't wake up and then after I woke up my parents wouldn't go into the living room so we could open presents. Well after I finally got them to the living room they wouldn't let me open one present. I was alittle confused but I went along with it. We did our normal tradition. Most familys just have the youngest kids open the presents then mom and dad but thats not the case with my family. I'm the only kid so it would be kinda boring to just watch mom and dad open stuff. Our tradition is that after we pass everything out one of us opens something then somebody else. We never have any real order. I got to the last box and started to open it. It was just box after box after box after box!! but when I got to the last box I shook it and relised it was something jingly well I tore open the box and I saw keys. I was kinda confused but then I got it. Daddy had gotten my car! He and I and hopefully my boyfriend, Riley Sager, are going to work on it over the summer. I can't wait to work on it and turn 16! 

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you about the movies--they always mess things up. I picture the characters in my mind when I'm reading, and then it makes me mad to see differently.

    Wow! You got a car? What is it?
