Friday, January 11, 2013

My dreams for the future are to hopefully travel around the world. I would get a good job and save up for the trip. I would save close to a million dollars or ten thousand dollars so  I can get a good flight, a good hotel, good food, and get to go shopping for some souveniers. I would like to visit the rainforest, get to see all of the wildlife and take pictures so I can draw them, or just draw them without the picture. I would also like to visit India, see some ruins, draw the ruins, see the wildlife, draw the wildlife, and try new food. Maybe go to Ireland, see the landscape and see the Kissing Stone, where you kiss the stone for good luck, or is it in Scotland?? I can't remember. Well, I would like to go to Scotland and visit Loch Ness, maybe get to see Nessie! :-) Maybe I will visit Russia, or China, maybe go to Japan for a while. Maybe I will go to Italy or Rome. I would like to go to Romania, possibly see some vampires!  But to do all of this, I would need to learn their langurages, so I can speak with the natives, or just be one of those people with the language book and end up saying the words wrong. I would also need a passport.

1 comment:

  1. The Blarney Stone at Blarney Castle, near Cork, Ireland. You kiss the stone to gain the gift of blarney;it's like the gift of gab--being able to speak well and flatter others.
    You have awesome dreams. I hope you see the world,Girl!
