Thursday, January 3, 2013

Shalia's Christmas Break

We got out of school on December 19, 2012 for Christmas Vacation. I went to my Grandma and Grandpa's house on christmas eve. My cousin Garrett came up to my grandma's and we ordered pizza. After we ate we visited for a little while and then we opened presents. My Grandpa passed out all the presents and then every body opened them. WRAPPING PAPER FLEW EVERYWEAR! Then my Aunt Jennifer gave me my present from them. She got my 3 bottles of purfume, my Uncle Chad got me a pink, gray, and white sweater, and my cousin Garrett got my sparklie nait polish.
          The next morning my Mom ( Casey) got me and Christopher up at 7. She made us Christmas breakfeast then we tried to get my dad up. Finally, he got up and watched us open presents then we hung out at the house for a little bit. We went up to my Grandma Karen's for christmas. My Aunt Tracie came up to my grandma's house and my annoying cousin Sarah and her son Wyatt came up. We had a Christmas lunch and then we visited for a while, then opend presents from my aunt. From my Aunt Tracie got me 3 bottles of purfume, 2 candels, and a jewlry box with a couple neclaces and a braclet.

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