Thursday, January 3, 2013

Over Christmas break I had three Christmas's. One as a family, just the four of us. Then that night we had people over to eat pork loin and party potatoes. I got a 5th generation iPod. It is blue. That Friday I went to my dads moms house for their Christmas. I got to see my aunt and cousins that live in Indiana. It is always a lot of fun with them there. My other cousin wasn't there because he was at a college scouting. That Saturday we went to my moms mom for their Christmas. I have three baby cousins that always want me to take pictures of them. They are a hand ful but they always make me laugh. On the 23rd I broke up with my boyfriend and started making friends with other boys from other schools.
People should always read the book first. Sometimes the film makers take the best part of the book and not put it in the movie. Sometimes you can't even stay awake through the movie. I do not like the movie Lord of the Rings. I have never read the book and probably never will. The books will always be better than the movie no matter what.

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