Friday, January 11, 2013

I want to be a soldier, bartender, or a chef. I can become a soldier by finishing high school and getting my diploma and signing up. I can be a chef by going to "Culinary Arts" school. And I could also watch people cook and practice. I could also be a bartender but would have to be over 21, go to a school for it and watch people making drinks. Or a detective or cop or work for the CIA. I would have to go to a special college to train to be a detective and to be a cop I would just need to sign up and complete to classes and the hours. I kinda want to be a lawyer to. I would have to go through law school for about 8 or so years, plus I would have to attend cases for some of the classes. I don't want to be a Doctor because I couldn't hold some one's life in my hands. And lawyers have a good paycheck too.

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