Wednesday, January 16, 2013

What is your greatest treasure?  Explain why it is treasured.


  1. My favorite treasure is my neon orange stuffed dog. The reason why its my favorite treasure is because I got it from my dad and it has been special to me ever sence. I keep it on my bed.It is really cute it has big eyes on a big head and a small body.

  2. the greatest tresure is family and friends. why becuase family gives wisedom and advise for life.
    friends will stay with you for along time help you out and be youre friend and will stay bye youre side nomater what. family wisedom like how to live youre life like telling you how youre grandfather or mother. friends becuase they wil stand by you nomater what crap youve gotten into or what low or if you hit rock bottom theyll be there.any way im almost at my limmit sooooooooooooooooooooooooo bye

  3. My greatest treasure is my family. I don't know what I would do without them. Another treasure is my books, I just LOVE to read and having books means that I can read them whenever I want to. One of my favorite recent books is Beautiful Creatures, I got it for Christmas and have already finished it. Another book I got for Christmas is The Count of Monte Cristo. It has over 1000 pages in it. I am on page 9 or 10 of it.

  4. My greatest treasure is my horse Sara cause I got her from a friend and she is so soft. She is the nicest horse I have ever met. She is blind in her right eye. She is an apy. She is the smoothes riding horse I have ever been on. She is 15 years old.

    1. That is so cool she sounds like a great horse.

  5. My greatest treasure would be my ring that my grandma gave me. My dads girlfriend lost it though because I had to give it to her because I was cheering at a basketball game, and us cheerleaders can't have jewelery on while cheering. It is my greatest treasure beacause my grandma gave it to me and she is my favorite grandma. She means the world to me and she is a person I will do anything in the world for. I will never get rid of it if I ever find it. I am still very mad that she lost it, but I hope we will find it.

  6. My greatest treasure would probabaly be my jumpdrive. That thing has my life times work on it it. It also has some of my friends stories on it. I love my jumpdrive and I would die if I ever lost it. My daddy gave it to me in 6th grade. But this year he gave me a new one and I transfered all of my stuff to it instead. After I transfered everything I gave my old one to my friend who also had stories on it.

  7. My greatest treasure is my jump drive because it has everything that I have ever done and want to finish on it. IT is basically my life because all my stories that I have typed on it. If I had to chose a second thing it would probly be my journal because it is the only thing I can talk to when no one else is there and when I don't want to talk to my mom or I can't talk to my older sister 'cos shes never around.

  8. My greatest treasure is my cousins because they are really fun to be around. They always make me laugh. All of my older cousins live really far away. My little cousins on the other hand live in Brashear. I have three older cousins that tell me what I have to look forward to in high school. My oldest cousin Cordie is telling me how it is to look for colleges to attend. I have two cousins that live in Indiana. I only get to see them once or twice a year and I really miss them by the time they get back. I love all of my cousins!!!!

  9. My Greatest treasure I think would have to be my baby clothes, blankets, toys, ect. Each of them tell a story or have something to go with them. I treasure them because it is something from my childhood. When I look at my old stuff from when i was a baby and a little older they r so small and then my grandma will tell me about it and how small I was when I was born and how special they where that I was alive. My baby clothes, toys ect, where so valuable and i would use my baby stuff for my baby dolls that I likes to play whith when I was little

  10. My greatest treasure would be my xbox because when I have had a bad day I can get on my xbox
    and play some games with my friends. My xbox is
    my stress releaver. I got my xbox on christmas day in 2011. I have had it ever since. I never
    get bored of playing video games and hanging out
    with my friends. If something were to happen to it I would be collecting cans just to get money
    for a new one as well as get a job. I would be so stressed out without it.

  11. my greatest treasur is my family. my family may be mean to me they can be nice when they are in an good mood. they are supportive somtimes unless its something stupid.they help me when i get up. the laugh at me when i fall down.

  12. My favorite tresure is my family. My family loves me through everything.They care me and everyone else. They love every part of me and the rest of the family. I love them. I like to hang out with them all the time. I like when we eat together. They take me out for my birthday.

  13. My favorite treasure is my journel. Not only because its personal, but it has everything to know about me. Like: my favorite foods, colors, secrets, crushes, books, pictures, quotes, number, letter, band, music, spanish words, shirts, shoes, sweets, grades, shows, drinks, games, characters, actors, actresses, and a whole bunch of other things that anyone can learn about me. So it would be a really bad idea if it got into the wrong hands.I always hide it were noone can find it. I hide it in the same place as my laptop so Kelsey or my mom or dad can't find it. I don't want them to find it because it's personal, not that I write bad things in there cause I don't, it's just something I wouldn't want to share with people.

  14. My greatest treasure would be my family because you can never ever replace family but you can always replace what you lost but you can never replace your family ever.

  15. Mine is my family. They are always there for you no matter what. They give you many types of help and advice on many things. Life, Love, Money, Jobs, Bills, Houses and Vehicals. Most times they pay you if you need help. They take care of you. And most of the time worry and love you. And nothing compares to family. That's why they are my greatest tresure.
