Thursday, January 10, 2013

i would be a french immagrant. what what my feelings would be tearified that people would say

mean thing to me. i would hope that i could find a good place to live that could fit all my family in

it, and that i could find a good job that would pay enough to get atlease feed my family 2 meals a day.

what i would fear is people judging me because where im from not who i am. i would also fear

walking down a road and people saying mean things to me and throw things at me. i would have

to say that i am sorry for all those immagrant that went through all that. just because they were

from a different country doesn't mean that they were'nt humans. that doesnt mean that they

dont have to eat, sleep, drink, and where clothes like the rest of us . they deserve alittle respect

                    by skylar haskell

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