Friday, January 11, 2013


I have big plans for the future. I cant wait to graduate highschool. Then, I hope to go to college become a cyropractor and help people fix their backs. Either that or I would like to be a person who rubs backs. (I know what thats called I just cant spell it.) Maybe I will find an amazing guy and fall in love and get married. I've always wanted to have two kids. A boy first then two years later a girl. My biggest dream is too grow up and have a nice family and a good paying job. I know that I will have to go to college to ever get a good job. If i get my Dr.s degree then I will be the first Dr. Kincaid.
    My family has alway had big dreams for me. I can't wait to make my family proud of me.  My dad has wanted me to become a cyropractor because I have always been really good at making his back feel better when I rub on it. I think if I really did go to college and became a cyropractor then my family would be very proud of me. My sister thought she wanted to be a sergion but ended up going to art school. She is not a doctor so I would still be the first. I can't wait to fulfill my dreams.

1 comment:

  1. Masseuse
    I hope you become a doctor, but enjoy being young and enjoy high school! The future will be here fast enough!
