Thursday, January 3, 2013

       I think people should read the book first because it will have more detail. You can also get a mental picture of the characters and the settings. Then you can make a "movie" of your own in your head. The movies also dont include some scenes or the characters look different then described in the book.
    My christmas break was good. I got a kindle for christmas. I also got new shoes and clothes. We went to my grandmas and had fun playing in the snow. I listened to music alot. I was really lazy and layed around all day. It was fun. I also had a party for new years.....Bailey, Kylie, Shane, and my friend Abbey all I had a good time hanging out and having fun.........I love my friends.........even my friends that werent there.....................Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! I hope everybody else  had a very good christmas too!

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