Friday, January 11, 2013

My Future Plans

              I want to graduate from Adair Co. R-2 High School and then go to college. I want to get a degree in teaching or nursing. I plan to attend either Northwest or Mizzou. After I graduate from college I want to find a job as a nurse or teacher. After earning the degrees that I want I plan to then going back to college online to get my Master's degree. I want to get a job near my college while I attend college. I want to live some where beautiful but not too far away from my home town. My dreams are dreams I have always wanted to acheive and if I acheive all of these I will feel really good and it proves that you can never give up on your accomplishments. To get my degrees I have to work really hard. To get a job where I want I must also work hard. If I work hard then only the best could come out of it. After completely finishing my degrees I want to take a vacation to the Bahamas. I have always wanted to see the beautiful sights there. And that is what I plan to do with my future.

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