Thursday, January 3, 2013

I think that people should read the book first because the book is usually better. The movie doesnt include all of the things in the book. You can judge the movie by the book when uve read the book  then have seen the movie it just works better than that.

 I had a wonderfull christmas because i got everything i wanted for christas and got to see my aunt alot more than when im at school. I got lime green suspenders. Me and eliza have a fone that we got for christmas and she takes it over and i dont like it evn though i have no one to talk to. I got that really sucky chocolate for christmas and i only ate one of the 8. I  also got alot of other things. the best present i got was from me mum and it was a ONE DIRECTION CD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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